The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse

By Charlie Mackesy

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse

Content Meters

Sex, romance, and nudity:
Violence and gore:
Substance use:
Negative messages:
Positive messages:

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Ages 1+
Read time:
< 1 hour
Reviewed on:

Spoiler-Free Overview

Simplicity comes like living water to a muddled mind. As such, I refuse to write two thousand words describing a book of a few hundred. As the description suggests, this book is about a group of friends, but primarily about a little boy in need of support during his journey. He first finds a friendly mole, then a bitter fox, and finally a rock-solid horse. Together they discuss life, face hardships, and bond over encouragement, companionship, and unconditional love.

My only complaint (and it is incredibly minor) is that there is an element of cursive to this book that may make it difficult for younger readers to read on their own.

This book is appropriate for all ages. No one is too young to learn they are valuable, lovable, and capable of great things no matter how small they feel. I adore sketch styles of art, so this book is *Chef’s Kiss*.

Spoiler Alert

Venture beyond this point at your own risk!

Detailed Content Meters

Sex, romance, and nudity:
rating: 0%

None Present

Violence and gore:
rating: 0%

None Present

rating: 0%

None Present

Substance use:
rating: 0%

The mole is addicted to cake but finds hugs even better.

Negative messages:
rating: 0%

None Present

Positive messages:
rating: 90%

The four primary principles taught in this book are as follows: Friendship, Kindness, Acceptance, and Unconditional Love of Self and Others.

Less of a lesson, but the book concludes, much like the old saying, that home is where the heart is, which is crucial as the little boy seems to come from a difficult past.

Each lesson is established and reinforced over the course of the book.

Detailed Overview

As far as spoilers go, surprisingly little comes creeping out. Sure, the horse turns out to be an insecure Pegasus and each character reveals their insecurities at different junctions, but The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse is just that—a story about a boy, a mole, a fox, and horse with all their insecurities, struggles and wholesomeness.

You can pick this book up anywhere and not feel lost. It’s full of wisdom and goodness. Go check it out and show your littles!

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