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Scion of the Dragon

Sanav, heir of the Dragon lineage, will stop at nothing to restore his master's disgraced name. But the path to redemption is fraught with ruthless adversaries, a tangled web of conspiracy, and the threat of awakening the black dragon within him.

Product description

Long ago, Xinyue emerged from the chaos of the first war. Bolstered by the seven master lineages—each a pinnacle of martial prowess—it etched its destiny westward in the flames of conquest. Bound by tradition, these lineages face fierce trials, ensuring only the greatest serve the emperor.

Yet, in a shocking twist, the Dragon lineage—the very symbol of Xinyue’s strength—has been condemned by imperial decree.

Sanav, heir of the Dragon lineage, is thrust into an impossible trial. He will stop at nothing to restore his lineage's place among the masters and cleanse the Dragon's tainted legacy. But the path to redemption is fraught with challenges: ruthless adversaries, the shadow of his own inner turmoil, and the threat of awakening the Black Dragon within him.

As Sanav battles to reclaim his lineage's status, he must face the damage his actions inflict on his friends, the daunting skills of the masters who stand in his path to vengeance, and the relentless rage and guilt hounding his every step.

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